Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Welcome to our new blog!

The weather is beginning to change and I am loving it! Just like the weather, things in our classroom are changing a little as well. I will be posting the skills that we are working on throughout each week on our blog. These posts will be entitled "Skills Spotlight". I will also post links periodically that will help your student practice the skills we learn in our room. I encourage you to post comments, ask questions, praise your student(s) and give feedback. This blog is an invaluable communication tool between you and I, so make sure you check it regularly.      


  1. Thanks for doing this Mr. Saini. I look forward to visiting often and keeping up with what the kiddos are learning. (Love the bright fall background!)

  2. No problem! I am excited for you all to catch a glimpse of what we do in our classroom! Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.
